


This app makes it easy to code using the JavaScript language. Once downloaded, the user can write and compile on their own device, and from there the sky is the limit in terms of what they can create.

Attributes of JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the most commonly used programming languages on the planet. There are a number of reasons for this. To start with, it is an object-oriented programming language, and this means that it is an excellent choice for creating large applications. With object-oriented programming, tedious repetition of code is eliminated, and the coder can create efficiently.

Furthermore, there are many JavaScript libraries already available. Much of the code behind the internet is done in JavaScript. Therefore, the user is learning a highly practical language and one where other people have done much of the legwork. Once a user knows JavaScript, for example, they will be easily be able to find open-source applications to contribute to or even make money coding new applications.

Indeed, the future for JavaScript is very bright. Increasingly, new software is based on JavaScript, and this trend shows no signs of stopping. Furthermore, JavaScript is relatively easy to learn in comparison to older languages.

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Boris Rayskiy