APK Installer

APK Installer


APK Installer can install and manage apk files from within a phone or tablet. The app makes it easy to install apk files with just a few clicks. Users can leverage the app's file browser to quickly scan through apks on their Android devices. If they find an apk they want to install then it's as easy as just clicking the install button. This even translates into multiple apk files. If a user wanted to install two, three or more files then the only real change would come about through the file selection. You'd simply need to select multiple checkboxes on the file explorer before clicking the install button.

APK Installer makes it equally simple to manage apk updates. The app's update category will list any apk files that have pending updates. Clicking on the update button for an apk will automatically download and install that package. APK installer also makes it easy to manage a wide variety of an installed apk's properties. For example, a user can bulk uninstall apk files that they're not happy with in a similar way to bulk installs. The app also makes it easy to backup any installed app to a locally stored apk file.

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Mobile Manager