AMI Music

AMI Music


Unleash the Jukebox DJ Within You With AMI Music

AMI Music, once known as BarLink, is an ingenious app that lets you control jukeboxes in various venues across the nation right from the comfort of your seat. It redefines the experience of enjoying music in public places by transforming your device into a remote control for AMI jukeboxes.

To begin, you select your venue. The app effectively maps out AMI venues, providing you with the liberty to check into any of these places, save your favorites for quick access, and even view the songs currently in the queue. You can browse through a vast collection of popular artists, trending songs, one-credit albums, and featured playlists.

The process of playing your favorite tunes is remarkably easy. You simply need to create an account, add funds for music credits using a credit card, and select the tracks you want to hear. What's more, these credits can be utilized across multiple visits or even multiple venues, offering you great flexibility.

The app is also designed with features that cater to your personal music preferences. You can quickly access your most recently played songs and organize your go-to tunes into custom playlists in My Music. For those eager to hear their chosen songs sooner, the app provides a priority play feature. Moreover, the possibility of earning bonus credits by playing multiple songs in one visit adds a fun, game-like twist to the experience.

While the app does come with the caveat that music videos are not available for playback at all locations, the overall functionality and user-friendly interface make AMI Music a reliable companion for music lovers. Whether you're looking to soundtrack your night out or simply enjoy the control over the music in your favorite venue, AMI Music will undoubtedly enhance your musical journey.

However, should you encounter any issues while playing music, AMI's support team can be reached via email, ensuring that your experience remains smooth and enjoyable. This app truly puts the power of music selection in the hands of the user, making any night out a personalized music event.

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AMI Entertainment Network