Remote Mouse

Remote Mouse


Background information on Remotemouseandroid

Remotemouseandroid is a remote mouse application that allows users to control their computer from their Mobile device. You can use it for presentations, viewing media files, and playing games.

Users only need the client on their PC and the free Android app on their phone or tablet, then they can control anything from the palm of their hands. Remotemouseandroid uses an ad-hoc connection between the PC, which gives it many benefits over traditional remote desktop applications.

Operating system compatibility for Remotemouseandroid

Remotemouseandroid works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and seven systems; both 32 and 64-bit versions are supported. You can use it to control a Mac as well, but only Windows emulation is available. Remotemouseandroid also works on Linux using the Wine software compatibility layer.

Usage of remotemouseandroid:

-Transfer files from Android device to PC.

-Control the computer with mouse and keyboard from your Android device.

-View photos, play music, or show presentations.

-Control PC remotely over the internet using 3G/4G connection.

-Control PC via tablet embedded display.

-Use Bluetooth to control a computer using a device with a physical keyboard or mouse attached.

Remotemouseandroid is an excellent application for people who give presentations or need to do some file transfers. It can be used as a presentation if the user has a tablet with the client installed on the computer, which will then provide them with wireless speakers and microphones.

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Remote Mouse