Getting Over It

Getting Over It


Master the climb in the punishing yet rewarding "Getting Over It"

"Getting Over It" with Bennett Foddy is a game that's not made for the faint of heart, but for those who crave a challenge that's as mentally taxing as it is physically rewarding. This game is a tribute to Jazzuo's 2002 B-Game classic "Sexy Hiking". It's all about climbing, using just a hammer and pot, up an enormous mountain that seems insurmountable. The gameplay is as simple as it gets; you move the hammer with your mouse. But don't be fooled, the real challenge comes with mastering the physics of your movements.

The game tests the limits of your patience and resilience as you ascend the steep mountain. A slight misstep can result in you losing all your hard-earned progress and having to start over. This is where the charm of "Getting Over It" lies; it's a game that makes you endure failure, time and time again, only to make the eventual success feel even more rewarding.

As you embark on this grueling climb, you're accompanied by the philosophical musings of Bennett Foddy himself. These observations about the problem at hand serve as a form of solace during the more frustrating moments of the game.

"Getting Over It" is a game that can last anywhere between two hours to an indefinite amount of time, depending on your skill level and patience. The median time to finish for playtesters was about 5 hours, but the average was closer to infinity. This is a testament to the game's punishing yet addictive nature.

In conclusion, "Getting Over It" is a game that truly tests your patience and perseverance. It's a game that makes you feel new types of frustration you didn't know you were capable of. But most importantly, it's a game that rewards you with a sense of accomplishment that few other games can match. If you're up for the challenge, then "Getting Over It" is a game well worth playing.

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