Open Camera

Open Camera


Open Camera is a free and open source replacement for the default camera app. It takes the functionality you'd expect from Android's standard camera and improves on it in a number of different ways. Open Camera provides easy to use features for people who simply want to quickly take a picture. Taking a picture with the app's default settings is quite literally as simple as touching an icon. Users also have the option of using more advanced methods to take pictures. For example, the app can use ambient noise or the word "cheese" as a prompt to take a picture. The camera can also use a burst mode to rapidly capture multiple pictures in a short amount of time.

Open Camera also gives a wealth of options to improve your photograph's quality. The app's HDR options can easily improve the quality of a shot. The app can also automatically work with filters to remove visual noise from difficult to shoot environments. For example, the app can work in low light mode at night for better image quality. It can even use dynamic range optimization to simulate more natural lighting.

The app is also totally free and open source. This means that users won't need to worry about paying for missing features. It's even totally ad-free. Programmers can even download the app's source code to modify it however they like.

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Mark Harman