BBC News

BBC News


Stay Connected with the World with BBC News

BBC News app is your direct portal into the world of breaking news, global events, and in-depth stories from a network of reliable journalists. This app, developed for international audiences, not only offers top stories and personalized news, but also features live streaming of the BBC World Service Radio, giving users a full spectrum of news consumption methods.

With a smart interface, the BBC News app offers a 'Top Stories' section that provides the latest news from around the world. The app takes pride in its network of trustworthy journalists who ensure the news you receive is accurate and up-to-the-minute. Whether it's politics, business, entertainment, or health, the BBC News app has you covered.

The 'My News' feature is an impressive addition that allows users to tailor their news feed according to their interests. By simply adding topics using the '+' icon, users can create a direct route to the stories that matter to them. This feature ensures the news feed is relevant and personalized, making the news reading experience more enjoyable and efficient.

The app's intelligent design suggests topics based on your location, stories you've recently viewed, and current news trends. This makes finding content fast and easy. The search function is also comprehensive, allowing users to search through a familiar list of BBC News indexes or even for their own subjects of interest.

BBC News app now offers a wider selection of stories from the newsroom. The 'Popular' feature keeps users up-to-date on trending stories and videos from across the BBC, which are updated throughout the day. There's also access to live BBC World Service Radio, for those who prefer to receive their news audibly.

In conclusion, the BBC News app serves as a comprehensive news platform, offering a personalized, relevant, and accessible way to stay connected with the world. Its blend of text, audio, and video news, as well as the ability to customize content, makes it a go-to source for news for international audiences.

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BBC Studios Limited