BitLife - Life Simulator

BitLife - Life Simulator


BitLife - Life Simulator is a mobile game that simulates all of the most important parts of life. Imagine being able to go from birth to old age with the click of a button. That's exactly what BitLife provides. Users begin by creating a new digital version of themselves. Just like in the real world, this new version will have some advantages and disadvantages. When you start a new life you'll have set values to show your happiness, health, smarts, and looks. All of these attributes will factor into the larger picture as you're presented with some of the defining moments of anyone's life.

For example, we all remember our first kiss. But what if things went a little differently? What if we could really take a step back and consider who and how we'd like it to happen. That's just one of many different choices the app presents us with as it unfolds a complex and interactive narrative. But watch out. Just like in real life, choices have consequences. The circumstances of your virtual life will change as you pick different paths. The ultimate goal in the virtual game is quite similar to what we find in our real lives. You need to navigate the various choices in your virtual life to reach old age with a smile on your face.

package name




available on

Android iOS


Candywriter, LLC